Synthesis Review: And a Few to Break: Procession

Synthesis Magazine
And A Few To Break: Procession (Relatively Conscious Records)
By Rob Reeves
Jan 22-28, 2007
I wish I would have had this album a few weeks sooner than I did so I could have submitted it as my album of the year for 2006. This is a masterpiece. I don't even know what category to put it under, and iTunes merely lists it as "unclassifiable." The closest I can come is to say it's prog rock made in the spirit of punk while listening to a huge amount of post-rock. The virtuosity it possesses is evident throughout, and even during the simpler parts of the songs, the composition is impeccable. The album as a whole is very well put together, with songs flowing seamlessly into one another, culminating in a 20-minute epic spread over three movements. Please, I implore you, buy this album.
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