CHICO! Chico State! KCSC!

Yo kids. We have a huge show tonight with From Monument to Masses and Silian Rail at Bottom of the Hill, 9:30 PM.
There a couple of tickets still available.
Earlier this week we drove to Chico for a show Tuesday night at Off Limits and Wednesday afternoon at Chico State.
We played very well Tuesday night and with some great people. We've spent a lot of time trying to tighten our set and I think it showed. We should be putting video of it up in the next couple weeks.
Before the show on Tuesday, we guest djed on KCSC, the Chico State Internet Only Radio Station. The dj, Janae, pronounced janay, was awesome and let us talk about whatever we wanted to pick through the thousands of CDs at KCSC to find all the bands who influenced us. Needless to say, our guest stint was the first I have ever heard mewithoutyou, explosions, slint, etc on the radio. Janae was also kind enough to let us sleep on her floor and in her bed since she wasn't staying at home that night.
We hit up an awesome breakfast place in the morning and drove immediately to Chico State to loadin. It was a different show for us for many reasons: we were playing outside, on a college campus, in front of only 18-22 year olds, and in the sun at 12 noon. Prior to our set, the campus observed an extended period of silence to honor the victims of the Virgina Tech shootings. It hadn't occurred to me that we were on a college campus until that point. It was pretty amazing to see a bunch of young people remain quiet for a number of minutes collectively. There always seems to be a phone going off, or people talking, or text being sent.
The show was crazy. No one was closer than 20 feet to us, but a pretty big audience stopped and sat on the grass and watched us from afar. The best moment was an a capella chant along that bounced off all 4 of the buildings in the quad we were playing in to create an huge reverb/echo to it.
We got off stage and met more good people in Chico. Chico is definitely are second home. Thank Sanni for booking us, Janae for having us, Katie from Devil Kat Productions and Sesar from Planchate for setting the Off Limits show up, Cameron for being awesome, Jake from La Dolce Vita for coming to both shows with short hair and for taking pics, Mike from La Fin Du Monde for driving an hour home afterwards, Rob, Dana and the crew for coming out and many of that same crew for coming out both days, and anyone else in Chico we met.
We had a nice time and it def prepared us for tonight!
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