I think we all surprised ourselves yesterday. We ended up recording 5 songs at Slack Studios in around 5 hours, which, for those who find math difficult, averages to about a song per hour. We expected 2-3, as I last posted. So, the instruments are all down (they were recorded live, mind you). The remaining steps are to record the vocals, which Brady and Danny will get to mid-week and then mix and master everything. We should have a finished audio product by late this weekend. The set-up Danny used was fucking awesome, and even the raw tracks show a hint of audio brilliance for such a DIY project. I expect really good things.
The songs we recorded are:
1. The Ballad of Jonny Knapp
2. Indigo
3. My Eyes Are Left Salted
4. Half-Mast
5. The Middle Passage
The track order is not determined yet, but that doesn't really matter since none of you fictitious readers even know what these songs sound like, let alone who we are, why we matter or do not matter, or when we are playing next...actually, now you will.
February 26th
The Hotel Utah Saloon
w. Tera Melos and Seeded Skies
$6 9 PM
We will have copies of this as yet unnamed EP available at the show. It rocks hard. Peace for now/andafewtobreak