To order copies of our debut album Procession, click the PayPal button below:

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And a Few to Break / News: January 2005

Monday, January 31, 2005

EP Progress

I think we all surprised ourselves yesterday. We ended up recording 5 songs at Slack Studios in around 5 hours, which, for those who find math difficult, averages to about a song per hour. We expected 2-3, as I last posted. So, the instruments are all down (they were recorded live, mind you). The remaining steps are to record the vocals, which Brady and Danny will get to mid-week and then mix and master everything. We should have a finished audio product by late this weekend. The set-up Danny used was fucking awesome, and even the raw tracks show a hint of audio brilliance for such a DIY project. I expect really good things.

The songs we recorded are:
1. The Ballad of Jonny Knapp
2. Indigo
3. My Eyes Are Left Salted
4. Half-Mast
5. The Middle Passage

The track order is not determined yet, but that doesn't really matter since none of you fictitious readers even know what these songs sound like, let alone who we are, why we matter or do not matter, or when we are playing next...actually, now you will.

February 26th
The Hotel Utah Saloon
w. Tera Melos and Seeded Skies
$6 9 PM

We will have copies of this as yet unnamed EP available at the show. It rocks hard. Peace for now/andafewtobreak

Thursday, January 27, 2005

And A Few To Break EP

We are headed up to Napa to record a 2-3 song demo this weekend at Slack Studios. Given past studio experiences, we will probably accomplish less than half of what we intend to, so lets just say we are going to record a 7 song 55 minute album and we should come out OK. We will get vocals done soon and will hopefully have stuff online for free in the next two weeks. For the time being, we still have a live version of "My eyes are left Salted" at Keep listening and writing to us. For you Bay Area folks, take the time to come out on the 26th and hear us play at the Hotel Utah Saloon. Peace, andafewtobreak

Friday, January 21, 2005

Edinburgh Castle

We would, first of all, like to thank everyone who came out to the show last night. Your support was wonderful. Thank you to Chinese Radio, Plot Against Rachel, and Parker Street Cinema as well. We had a fucking blast last night. It was only our third official show in San Francisco (and basically in general), and we feel as if we are growing as performers and musicians with each one. It is a long time to wait for the next show, at Hotel Utah (Feb 26th) with Seeded Skies and Tera f'n Melos, but we will hopefully be back with a bunch of new material and a 2-3 song CD. peace and love

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Tera fuckin' Melos

...are playing a show tomorrow night with DESA at Balazo Gallery in the mission. Check or for more details. Both these bands are awesome, so check it out.

Show Update / Good News

Hello everybody (or nobody, perhaps more appropriate at this point in time)
As you know, we are playing the Edinburgh Castle on January 20th with Plot Against Rachel, Parker Street Cinema, and new additions, Chinese Radio ( It should be a great time.
Also, the good news is that instrumental duo SWIMS (featuring our wonderful bass player Paul and the boy genius Mark on drums) have recently been signed to Gray Scale records out of Chicago. This is extremely exciting news for them and we suggest you check their shit out at It is sick. That is all for now. We will see YOU on Thursday. Bring ear plugs because we will make you deaf if you don't. Peace, andafewtobreak

Monday, January 17, 2005

Sam. Posted by Hello

Paul. Posted by Hello

Mark. Posted by Hello

Jamie. Posted by Hello

Friday, January 14, 2005

Welcome to our BLOG

This is the ofishul And a Few to Break BLOG. We have absolutely no idea what that means, so we are just going to post rants and raves and show info and stories, of which we have none at the moment.

We are playing a free show at the Edinburgh Castle on January 20th at 9PM sharp. The Castle is located at 950 Geary St. in downtown San Francisco. We are playing with two bands, who are good musicians and nice people: Parker Street Cinema and Plot Against Rachel. As this day coincides with Inauguration Day, please go to the protests and then come see us play! Let's celebrate the fact that we have one another to depend upon.

Peace for now.

Oh, and SWIMS (our bass player's astounding drums/bass instrumental duo) is playing in NAPA tonight with the fucking insane Tera Melos. Check out and/or for more info.
To order copies of our debut album Procession, click the PayPal button below:

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