the constantines at cafe du nord

hello. we are trying to make posting a regular thing.
we don't always have news about us, but we do have news about music
and hopefully if you care about us or have taken the time to read this
you care about music.
so, two of our members attended the constantines show in san
francisco. the constantines are from ontario and on subpop (nirvana's
old label and current home to iron and wine, the shins, wolf parade,
etc.). they are known as a post-punk band fronted by bruce
we're not sure how true this is. from what we saw live, they are a
good rock n' roll band that writes amazing guitar parts depending on
what song and has tight stage presence--nothing showy, but they
certainly do not stand there. they have an incredibly tight drummer
who in another life was probably a goaltender for the edmonton oilers.
a keyboard player who plays the keys with all sorts of effects pedals
and with his ass much of the time.
at the end of the night, the thing that impressed me most was the lead
vocalist/guitar player. i could have watched him sing and play by
himself all night. he has one of those voices you don't expect to be
as good live, but is. there was nothing about it that seemed affected,
he never seemed like he was straining.
track recommendations:
shine a light. night time, anytime. on to you
brady and jamie/andafewtobreak