Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Friday, February 16, 2007
the Bay Bridged! Episode 51! And a Few to Break

Christian and Ben from the Bay Bridged decided to focus their 51st Bay Bridged Episode on us. We recorded the interview at the Bay Bridged headquarters. We all had a lot of fun. I think it's pretty evident during the interview!
The Bay Bridged: Episode 51: And a Few to Break: LISTEN HERE!
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
favorite albums from last year

mewithoutyou: brother, sister
liars: drum's not dead
joanna newsom: Ys
tv on the radio: return to cookie mountain
mastodon: blood mountain
favorite albums we were given at shows or on the road from last year

the donts: inner el camino
sholi: split with the dead science
tartufi: us upon building upon us
secret stolen: absent without leave
Day Six: OLYMPIA (again!) and PORTLAND (again!)
Well shit. This was a busy day for us, which is why it has taken so long to write this update.

We started our day by waking up and saying peace to our Cardigan Loop Hosts. We took the handmade maps that they gave us and our Google map directions and headed to Evergreen State to do in an in-studio live interview with the legendary KAOS, Olympia Community Radio.
It had been longer than any of us would like to admit since we had been on a college campus. Free New York Times, unlimited buffets, and only 18-24 year olds. Some things you miss. Some things you don't.

After eating a very quick meal in one of the student cafeterias and finding the KAOS studio, our host and his technician setup 5 mics.
Minutes later we were hearing songs from our record on the radio for the first time. It was a pretty satisfying feeling. Jose, the host of Music Department Live, was amazing. He clearly didn't play music like ours on his shows usually, but was enthusiastic. He asked good questions, let us talk, and let the music play unedited, which meant we had some stretchs of 9 minutes to shoot the shit off air.
During one of those stretches I mentioned to Jose that Mark was studying voice acting and by the end of the show Mark had been asked to do the call letters.

"Hi. I'm Mark from And a Few to Break and you're listening K-A-O-S, Olympia Community Radio, 89.3FM"
I broke the FCC rules by saying "shit" or "fuck" on the air at some point.
We laughed a lot.
The interview with Jose turned out to be one of the highlights of this tour. He was an amazing dude and being on a radio station focused on any and every band was an amazing thing.
We parted ways with Jose and KAOS at 230 after being asked to come play there end of the year festival (hopefully it'll HAPPEN!) and made our way to Portland for our second show there in three days.
We were excited to play Portland again after a less than stellar show two nights before. Rotture was an awesome place to play and You May Die was great to play with again, but...
We were playing with one of the first bands we had ever played with, Kieskagato. We met them at the Hotel Utah when they toured through San Francisco. And we were very happy they came out of a semi-hiatus to play with us on a Tuesday night no less at ASH STREET!
Portland was rainy on this fine Tuesday. We ate dinner at one of the Thai food stalls in a parking lot on the West Side of Portland.

We opened the show. Always fun for us. There were about 20 people there when we started. About 60 when we ended. It was nice to see people who had been sitting at the bar come closer and it was nice to see people trickle in through the set.
We got a pretty amazing reaction to our set that night. The sound was awesome thanks to Heather (who also books for Ash Street and is an equally awesome and friendly booker). We sold some CDs and made some friends. I think the next time we go to Portland will be nice. (MAY)

Kieskagato and Kotogoto followed us. We thought Kotogoto might be a side project of Kieskagato, but apparently not. Kieskagato had changed a bit from the last time we saw them. It was a much looser and lighter set than the last time we had played with them. It suited them. Many many smiles in the crowd throughout their set. Very happy we were able to play with them again. Good musicians and good guys.
Kotogoto was a big band. Guitars, drums, steel drums, strings, a couple vocalists. The kind of band that may or may not be a direct-descendant of the Arcade Fire, but it's hard to imagine a big monstrous band with strings and multiple vocalists being imagined by so many people so frequently these days without Arcade Fire and some of the other big (in size) bands. It was one of their first shows and they had a lot of enthusiasm and some good songs.
We had decided that we needed to get on the road that night since our next stop was in Chico, a good 10-12 hours away. So we thanked Kieskagato for their generous offers of places to stay and headed out.

3 hours later we were in the middle of a rain storm and off the road.
Thank you KAOS and Jose! KIESKAGATO! Heather and Ash Street! and Kotogoto! Portland, you know we got to come back.
We started our day by waking up and saying peace to our Cardigan Loop Hosts. We took the handmade maps that they gave us and our Google map directions and headed to Evergreen State to do in an in-studio live interview with the legendary KAOS, Olympia Community Radio.
It had been longer than any of us would like to admit since we had been on a college campus. Free New York Times, unlimited buffets, and only 18-24 year olds. Some things you miss. Some things you don't.
After eating a very quick meal in one of the student cafeterias and finding the KAOS studio, our host and his technician setup 5 mics.
Minutes later we were hearing songs from our record on the radio for the first time. It was a pretty satisfying feeling. Jose, the host of Music Department Live, was amazing. He clearly didn't play music like ours on his shows usually, but was enthusiastic. He asked good questions, let us talk, and let the music play unedited, which meant we had some stretchs of 9 minutes to shoot the shit off air.
During one of those stretches I mentioned to Jose that Mark was studying voice acting and by the end of the show Mark had been asked to do the call letters.
"Hi. I'm Mark from And a Few to Break and you're listening K-A-O-S, Olympia Community Radio, 89.3FM"
I broke the FCC rules by saying "shit" or "fuck" on the air at some point.
We laughed a lot.
The interview with Jose turned out to be one of the highlights of this tour. He was an amazing dude and being on a radio station focused on any and every band was an amazing thing.
We parted ways with Jose and KAOS at 230 after being asked to come play there end of the year festival (hopefully it'll HAPPEN!) and made our way to Portland for our second show there in three days.
We were excited to play Portland again after a less than stellar show two nights before. Rotture was an awesome place to play and You May Die was great to play with again, but...
We were playing with one of the first bands we had ever played with, Kieskagato. We met them at the Hotel Utah when they toured through San Francisco. And we were very happy they came out of a semi-hiatus to play with us on a Tuesday night no less at ASH STREET!
Portland was rainy on this fine Tuesday. We ate dinner at one of the Thai food stalls in a parking lot on the West Side of Portland.
We opened the show. Always fun for us. There were about 20 people there when we started. About 60 when we ended. It was nice to see people who had been sitting at the bar come closer and it was nice to see people trickle in through the set.
We got a pretty amazing reaction to our set that night. The sound was awesome thanks to Heather (who also books for Ash Street and is an equally awesome and friendly booker). We sold some CDs and made some friends. I think the next time we go to Portland will be nice. (MAY)
Kieskagato and Kotogoto followed us. We thought Kotogoto might be a side project of Kieskagato, but apparently not. Kieskagato had changed a bit from the last time we saw them. It was a much looser and lighter set than the last time we had played with them. It suited them. Many many smiles in the crowd throughout their set. Very happy we were able to play with them again. Good musicians and good guys.
Kotogoto was a big band. Guitars, drums, steel drums, strings, a couple vocalists. The kind of band that may or may not be a direct-descendant of the Arcade Fire, but it's hard to imagine a big monstrous band with strings and multiple vocalists being imagined by so many people so frequently these days without Arcade Fire and some of the other big (in size) bands. It was one of their first shows and they had a lot of enthusiasm and some good songs.
We had decided that we needed to get on the road that night since our next stop was in Chico, a good 10-12 hours away. So we thanked Kieskagato for their generous offers of places to stay and headed out.
3 hours later we were in the middle of a rain storm and off the road.
Thank you KAOS and Jose! KIESKAGATO! Heather and Ash Street! and Kotogoto! Portland, you know we got to come back.