splice black eyes and animal collective
and you might have something that comes close to racc-oo-oon
i bought the cave of spirits yesterday and have already researched the little that is known about this band
read the few reviews, interviews
searched their homepage and record label
these young men from iowa city make music i wish everyone would love
but probably won't because they will be labeled "inaccessible" "challenging" "experimental"
however, if everyone would simply listen to them
they would undoubtedly find something awesome, expansive, free, and silly to describe using words
they pound, scream, play distorted sax solos, chant, loop everything
and they even have a sense of melody
missing in some of their contemporaries
after i finish writing this, what am i going to do next?
figure out how to get a hold of "Is Night People" the other album of theirs i might be able to track down
http://www.raccoo-oo-oon.org/to hear them yourselves: